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Free Online Japanese Conversation


​Oshaberi IZAKAYA


Notice! The way of participate has changed. The zoom link will be each time different. Please read how to join and apply from the calendar. You can apply also on

お知らせです 参加の仕方が変わりました。ZOOMのリンクは毎回変わります。参加方法を読んでカレンダーから申し込んでください。申し込みは からもできます。





Oshaberi IZAKAYA is an online place where people from all over the world gather to enjoy conversation in Japanese.


Most of the participants are people who are learning Japanese and would like to improve their oral skills through live interaction. Some come to refresh the Japanese they have learned years ago, while others wish to practice the Japanese they are learning in school or by themselves. Japanese native speakers join as well.

Oshaberi IZAKAYA is also a place for international exchange where people with different cultural backgrounds and life experiences meet and get connected. We enjoy conversations with mutual respect and understanding.

Meetups are held several times a month on ZOOM, organized and hosted by Izumi Ise, a Japanese language teacher living in Switzerland.

By the way, an Izakaya is a kind of Japanese pub, where friends and colleagues meet in the evening for drinking, eating and for "oshaberi" that means "chatting". Our virtual IZAKAYA is just as cozy and fun with a drink or cup of tea in front of the screen!

Participation is free. We look forward to welcoming you soon in our IZAKAYA community!


参加者のほとんどは、生きたやりとりを通してコミュニケーションのスキルを身につけたいと考えている日本語学習者です。何年も前に学んだ日本語を忘れないために来る人もいれば、日本語クラスや独学で学んだ日本語を実際に使って練習したいという人もいます。 日本語の母語話者も時々参加して、学習者をサポートしたり、ただおしゃべりを楽しんでいます。

おしゃべり居酒屋は、さまざまな文化的背景や人生経験をもつ人々が出会ってつながる、国際交流の場でもあります。 お互いへの敬意と理解を大切に会話を楽しんでいます。





What level is required? 


Basically, people of all levels are welcome. However, it is recommended that you have completed A1 or JLPT N5 level, meaning that you are able to ask and answer questions for example about favorite foods, daily life, hobbies and travels even if in a simple way, so that you can participate in conversations stressfree. If you are not sure about your level, just come and check out how you feel.

Normally, we use only Japanese. If you have difficulties, please support each other using languages that you understand. The host is able to help you in English, German and French.

基本的に、どんなレベルでも参加できますが、A1 あるいは JLPT N5 レベルを終えていると、ストレスなく会話に参加できると思います。たとえば好きな食べ物や毎日のこと、趣味や旅行について簡単に話せるレベルです。自分のレベルがわからない人は、どんな感じか一度参加してみてください。


Programm of a meetup 


A meetup lasts 60 minutes and is structured approximately as follows:

  • Check-in (10 min.)

  • 3 conversations in small groups of 2-4 people (3x15 min.)

  • Check-out (5 min.) 

If there are less than 4 participants, we stay all together in one room. 


  • チェックイン(10分)

  • 2〜4人のグループに分かれての会話を3回(3x 15分)

  • チェックアウト(10分)


​How to join




It's very easy to participate in meetups:

  • Check the calendar below and click on the meetup you would like to join.

  • The registration link will be displayed. Click on it, fill in the required information and submit.

  • You will immediately receive a ZOOM link for participation by email. This link will be resent about 15 minutes before the meetup starts.

  • Click the link to join when it's time. Normally, the room will be accessible 5 minutes before the start time.


​Some additional information:


  • Both the registration link as well as the participation link are different every time. Please register for each meetup anew.

  • You may apply even after the meetup has started.

  • If you are unable to attend for some reason, you don't need to cancel.

  • If the meetup you applied for is canceled by the organizer, you will be notified by email.

If you are a member of the event organizer Meetup, you can apply also from this page.



  • ​下のカレンダーから参加したい日を選んでクリックします。

  • 申し込みフォームのリンクが表示されるので、クリックして必要事項を記入して送信します。

  • 参加のためのZOOMリンクが、すぐにメールで送られます。このリンクは、ミートアップの開始約15分前にもう一度送られます。

  • 時間が来たら参加リンクをクリックします。ふつうルームには5分前から入ることができます。


  • 申し込みフォームのリンクも参加リンクも毎回違います。ミートアップ毎にフォームを送信してください。

  • ミートアップが始まってからでも申し込みができます。

  • もし参加できなくなっても、キャンセルの連絡は必要ありません。

  • 申し込んだミートアップがオーガナイザーの事情でキャンセルになった場合は、メールでお知らせします。

​イベント企画のプラットフォーム Meetup のメンバーは、こちらからも申し込めます。



The start times should be displayed automatically in your local time. To be sure, please select your country by clicking "Time zone (GMT...)" on the upper left of the calendar (or by clicking the symbol ︙by smartphone)

開始時間は、お住いの地域の時間で​表示されているはずです。カレンダーの左上の Time zone (GMT) のところから(スマホの場合は︙から)今いる国を選んで確認してください。​

Your host




My name is Izumi. I was born and raised in Sendai, Japan, and moved to Switzerland to study music when I was 25 years old. Since then I have been playing and teaching music. Since 2011 I am teaching Japanese at Atelier NIHONGO.

Being a Japanese teacher and from my own experience, I am convinced that learning a foreign language is best supported in  personal and context related situations. For all those who do not have the opportunity to speak Japanese in their daily life, I started IZAKAYA meetups in 2017. Over the past five years, we have held about 200 meetups. Thanks to all the people I met there, my life has been enriched and become colorful in a most beautiful way. With gratitude and joy , I will continue to run our IZAKAYA!

People use languages because they want to be understood and because they want to understand others. I believe that mutual understanding is a basic need and joy in life. I hope that IZAKAYA may contribute to joyful communication and peaceful connections between people.

Izumi Ise





​伊勢 泉

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